Does Your Water Heater Need to be Replaced?

Does Your Water Heater Need to be Replaced?

A water heater is usually a reliable appliance in the home. Unfortunately, all good things come to an end and a water heater will require replacement. As professional plumbers who provide plumbing services in Columbia, we have found that there are some fairly consistent factors that indicate the need for water heater replacement.

5 signs that your water heater needs to be replaced:

  • There is Water Around the Unit

One of the first things to look for would be any obvious signs of water around the unit. Under normal circumstances, there should be no water on top of the heater or anywhere around it. Be sure to take a look at any pipes on the top of the heater.

  • The Water is Cold

Another sign that there is a problem would be if the water in the home is no longer getting as warm as it once was. Cold water can be a sign of other problems, and not necessarily be related to the water heater. With any cold water problems, it is always best to seek out professional assistance.

  • The Water Begins to Smell or Look Strange

A strange smell to the water or a rust color can also be an indication of a problem with the water heater. Over time, the elements inside of the heater can start to degrade. This is often the culprit when it comes to the rust color or an odd smell. In most instances, the heater needs replacement and cannot be fixed.

  • The Age of Your Unit

Finally, the age of a heater may be an indication of if and when the unit will need replacement. Many heaters will last approximately ten years, but usually no more than 15 before it begins to show signs that it is time to be repaired or replaced.

Contact Plumbing Solutions, LLC Today!

In every case, it is always wisest to have a professional plumber take a look at the heater and perform any of the necessary work. This will ensure that the work is done correctly and hot water will be returned in no time.

Looking to have your water heater repaired? Contact a plumber in Columbia from Plumbing Solutions LLC at 803-618-4163. We are your water heater
