Corrosion, Abrasion, and Pressure? Might Be a Slab Leak!

Corrosion, Abrasion, and Pressure? Might Be a Slab Leak!

Understanding Slab Leaks And How To Deal With Them

You may have heard a family or friend talking about it, but unless you stuck around for the entire conversation, it is possible to walk away more confused than you started. They are called slab leaks and have been known to wreak havoc in many areas of the home or business.

What starts off as a wet spot or a hot area on your concrete floor may end up translating to higher utility bills. Most property owners may not realize they have a problem until the damage has been around for a while and this generally means that things have gotten out of hand.

What Causes Slab Leaks?

It is important to keep in mind that slab leaks are not always caused by human error, in fact; some of these leaks suddenly appear after an unexpected vibration that went unnoticed. Chemicals from the soil on your property may create problems and cause your pipes to spring a leak.

Maybe it is a construction exercise that took place without proper care for the pipes, and damage occurred to the plumbing. It is also possible that the initial contractors failed to install the plumbing in a way that stress on the pipes could be avoided.

How Do I Know If I Have a Slab Leak?

Because the pipes in question are located under some sort of concrete slab, many property owners continue to ask us how would they know there is a problem. The first option is simple, if you notice any water in an area and no explanation for how it got there, contact us immediately, even if it was a one-time thing.

If there is a sudden spike in your water bill, and you didn’t have guests staying in your home, you probably have a slab leak. Pay attention to anything that doesn’t sound or look right, especially the sound of running water.

How Long Does a Repair Take?

Obviously, repairs will differ from one property to another; however, the best answer is that it will take as long as necessary. Having said that, the average time will be two days from start to finish, with increased time needed depending on the location of the leak.

When the dust settles, if the leak is outside of the building, then two days should be more than enough. On the other hand, tiles, patching and any kind of specialized restoration could extend the time frame. At the very least, you should be assured that the job will be handled professionally.

Are you seeing signs of a slab leak in your Columbia home? No time to waste here, Call Plumbing Solutions LLC at (803) 513-5749 to see what is causing
that slab leak.
